Monday, September 19, 2016

Blog-tember Day 18 | My Favorite Blogs

Today's Prompt: A list of your favorite blog posts that you've written.

What a great prompt! It was fun to go back and look at some of my older blogs (and #gasp; notice my messy grammar and #help; I need a new blog design!). Anyhooo below are 5 of my top favorite blogs. Some are funny and silly (and you'll notice that I adore lists) and some are more serious and address things I'm really passionate about.

I hope they inspire you or at least make you smile!

What are your favorite topics to write about?

What Feminism Looks Like To Me.

10 Reasons Not To Give Up Caffeine.

5 Harmful Messages Purity Culture Taught Me.

True Health Versus The Latest Fad Diet.

20 Signs That You Are Indeed Growing Up.


  1. Hi Heather, these are great posts as always, so insightful, it was great to re-read them. I hope it's OK, I've re-pinned them and have tweeted this post, these need to be read. Thank you for sharing, huggles always xx

    1. That is MORE than okay Rosie! That is so sweet of you!!!
