Saturday, September 26, 2015

Blog-Tember | Day 26 Who I Want To Attend My Reading Parties

Today's prompt: What's on your to-read list and what are you currently reading and what have you recently read?

If you have been around my blog at all you know how much I adore reading and books. For my vlog I talked about what I'm currently reading so I'm going to keep this short! If you want to see more of the books I'm reading and recommend head on over to Books I Read tab. I usually try to compile a reading list per season! These are the books I'm currently inviting to my reading parties.

Currently Reading:

Simply Tuesday by Emily P. Freeman

Why Not Me? by Mindy Kaling

Next Amazon Order:

Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

Rising Strong by Brene Brown

What books are you currently reading?

I can't believe Blog-Tember ends Wednesday! So sad. It has been so fun. Big thanks to Bailey for all her creativity and dedication to these blog prompts!


  1. Rising Strong is on my list too, can't wait to dig in!

  2. Wonderful! I've heard of Brene Brown but not read her yet. ok I'm off to amazon to have a look, thank you Heather! huggles xx
