Monday, September 22, 2014

TWENTY-TWO | Blogs I read

Blog Prompt: Introduce us to 5 blogs you read on the regular, and tell us why!

Okay this one is tough because I love so many blogs out there! I couldn't swing 5, so I tried for 8. Ha. Since it's more than 5 I will be short and sweet regarding the "whys" of my blogging choices. 

Glennon Doyle Melton's momastery blog : Her blog is fantastic. Read her book, "Carry On Warrior". She shows up for her real life every day. 

Audi's  brave and beautiful blog : Audi has been someone I have admired and looked up to for years! She has mentored me and been there for me through some pretty tough stuff. Her blog is raw, sincere and beautiful. Her words are tender and gentle. Read about her journey!

Elizabeth's selflesslove blog : E-beth is my best friend from my hometown. We met in third grade and have been friends ever since. She has a heart of sincere gold. She is wife, mother of two and is passionate for what matters. She is a great writer AND a great photographer. 

This lady's iwillbloom blog. This lady is RESILIENT  She is brave and courageous. She's also a beautiful and prolific writer. 

Leanna's blog : Her beautiful words and stories inspire me. She reminds me to look for the art. She writes that she is a gypsy at heart. 

Elise's polka dotted blue jay blog : Elise is my friend and fellow blogger! She has introduced me to so many blogging communities and has taught me a lot about buttons and links and how to be an organized blogger! She's super creative and I'm envious of her colorful wardrobe.  

Elizabeth Esther's blog : Her blog is full of zest and spunk. She is open about growing up an abusive cult and how it affected her. She is a fighter. 

Donald Miller's blog here at Storyline : Well he's just neat. And so are his books. 

P.S. Brene Brown's blog obvi (read it)

Now tell me what blogs you read on the regular! 

1 comment:

  1. Too many delicious blogs, so little time...if only reading blogs were a career, LOL!! Will be back later to dive in deeper, just wanted to say 'Thank you so much' for mentioning me. I honestly feel really honoured. THANK YOU!!!
