Tuesday, September 30, 2014

THIRTY | Blog-Tember Challenge You've Been Good To Me

Today's prompt: A farewell coffee date. Take some time to breath, sip a warm drink, and share with your new blogging buddies. If you'd like a prompt: how did the Blog-tember challenge go for you? Any surprises? What was your favorite prompt, or what would you like to see included next time?

I will have a nice steamy cup of peppermint tea as it is too late in the day for anymore coffee. Today I had my first shift at my new position as a counselor at a treatment center. It was pretty intense and so as i was driving home I was pondering what self-care activity I could do. I remembered blogging! I felt excited and then sad that this is the last day of the Blog Temper Challenge. 

Even though I started only half way through the challenge I benefited from it so much. I loved reading other blogs and felt such warmth and welcome. Many thanks to  Bailey Jean for putting this together and for all your creative prompts and encouragement to us every day. Sometimes I have so many thoughts I want to write down but by the time I get in front of my lap top I am too discouraged to write them down or think that they only make sense in my head and won't make any sense if I type them out. The prompts helped me to write every day. I pursued letting go of some shame and perfectionism and tried to write just for the fun of it. It was great to write as well as connect with fellow bloggers who are so kind and brave. So many fabulous bloggers with such tender and creative hearts! Thank you Elizabeth for connecting me to the challenge! 

My favorite prompt was a toss up between September 18th (Tale of Travels) or September 21st (Fall Favorites). I loved going back in my mind to strolling around Lucca, Italy's windy charming streets on my honeymoon. I also adore fall and had fun dreaming up all my favorites. I wish I would have done September 10th. It's hard for me to talk about what I like about myself. It's difficult to practice self-acceptance but I believe it's so vital to living a full and gratitude filled journey. Maybe I will do it someday :) 

Goodbye September, Hello October! I hope to see you all around for the #write31days with The Nester! 

1 comment:

  1. Love your post! Am sad, also, that it ended! I'm thinking a Blog-vember' challenge is in order!
