Monday, October 7, 2013

31 days of Self-Care days 5 & 6

Since I missed yesterday I thought I would talk about two ways I took care of myself today. Monday is a hard day for me. It means the weekend is over. I have to go back to work. I have to get up early. Somehow I start off Monday already feeling behind.

One thing I have started scheduling on Monday after work once or twice a month is a massage. GREAT DECISION. This helps me look forward to my Mondays. I found a way to make it cost effective by finding a great deal on Groupon and I buy them in packages so they aren’t as expensive AND I can plan them and look forward to them since I have already essentially paid for the massage.

My massage therapist is amazing. She is tiny in physique but not in strength. My muscles are extremely tight and she is thankfully really strong. She does aromatherapy and deep tissue. Today I had my massage and was just so thankful to have time to relax. She used lavender and peppermint to help me breathe deeper. I decided it would be a good opportunity to practice gratitude so I mentally took notes of the things I was thankful for today:

  1. My massage therapist
  2. Large pumpkins
  3. I finished all my progress notes!
  4. Scott
  5. My clinical supervisor
  6. Compassion
  7. A home that makes me feel safe
  8. Prosciutto
  9. My friends that host and invite me into the intimate details of their life
  10. The sound of a fan

I felt like with each passing breath I was creating more room for joy as I thought of all I am grateful for. The list could go on and on but sometimes I like to sit on a couple things I am really thankful for. I want to be present with my joy and not race to the next thing on my list.  Gratitude and massage therapy are two ways I practiced self-care today. What are you grateful for this Monday?

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