Most of my ideas are recycled. I wish I could tell you I
have SO many original thoughts but if that were the case I would be a famous
theorist. Most of the best things I learn are recycled, kind of like my
Anyway I’ve been listening to The Liturgist podcast on my
commute to work and today I listened to one on marriage and specifically about
the book Rob and Kristen Bell wrote together, Zimzum Of Love.
It got me thinking about marriage and the adventure of it
all. It made me think about the space between us and how that space is always
changing, growing, evolving and moving.
Rob and Kristen write, “People aren’t static, they’re
dynamic-endlessly complex and capable of surprise and change”.
No matter what you believe about the author’s theology or
stance on faith, I’m sure most of us can agree this is true.
Yesterday Scott and I celebrated our three year anniversary. Threeeee years. That's a total of six years of knowing him. For me, this feels miraculous considering it's my longest romantic relationship and only marriage. I never knew I could feel so safe in love. And even though it's complex and deep and moving and growing, it's continued to feel safe.
The space between Scott and I have changed a thousand, a
million times and that is okay, that is normal, that is good. That is part of
the adventure of being in a relationship with a human created in the image of
“When you get married, you’re starting a conversation that
never ends”.*
Scott and I’s communication is unending because even when we
don’t communicate we are communicating something. It’s called Metacommunication
which is basically all the nonverbal cues we have including our tone, body
language and gestures that carry meaning.
Whether we verbally process or internally process we are talking. Always talking to each other.
Scott and I’s conversations have been up and down and
everything in-between these past three years.
They've been something like this:
Yay! We’re getting married!
Wait I’m terrified to be married.
Yay! Marriage!
Wait I’m scared.
Okay I don’t know how to be a good married person or what
does that even mean?
I love marriage and it is SO FUN!!!
Why are we so stressed?
Date nights are awesome!
Why are we talking about finances again?
I feel warm and cozy with you
Why are fighting about this again?
I found a coin!
Wait why is there mold in our apartment?
We can’t buy 5 plane tickets to see all our family members
this year.
You’re my best friend!!!!!
Are we supposed to have a pet?
Or kids?
Or own a house?
Wait are we behind?
I’m so in love!!!!
I’m so in love I’m terrified of losing you.
You really make me think about the hard stuff
We love Amazon Prime
We make the best team
I’m so hungry, why do we spend an hour deciding where we
should eat
Hey just pull the covers back if I steal them in the night.
We need coffee
I don’t like doing dishes
Let’s find a marriage book
I hate marriage books. I want to throw them all in the trash
You really do snore
Do we have more than one signature issue?
But really it’s your turnnnnnn
We are so weird. If anyone knew we were this weird…
Can you do that dance move like that again?
Yes, but with that face.
Hey I really reallllllyyyyyy like you
I want to do life with you forever. I choose you every day.
Over and over again. You’re it.
Well there you have it. A sneak peek into our un-ending
conversation. I’m really REALLY grateful to be on this adventure with
Scott. It’s the most mysterious, fun,
amazing and vulnerable journey. It makes me crazy happy and crazy scared.
The space in-between us is so sacred and so special.
Relationships are really stunning (romantic or not).What happens in-between, in
those quiet moments or those agonizing moments or those I can’t believe I found
you moments, is always creating movement between us. I find him in my
corner and he finds me having his back. I find myself thinking about what will
show him the most love and he finds himself thinking what I would want
the most. He shows me respect and support in my purpose and I challenge him to
pursue his dreams. I find myself surprised at the level of emotional safety and continually challenged by the same conflicts all at the same time. I find myself continually curious about his tender places
and he finds himself sacrificing what he wants for what I want. And we seem to
find we often want the same things.
I like our conversation. I like our adventure. Our space is
a good space. And I am so grateful.
Happy Three Years!
*Rob and Kristen Bell in Zimzum Love.